In keeping with what appears to be a trend on my site; here’s my latest slightly paranoid conspiracy theory: the Butts Liberals are slowly turning Canada into a totalitarian state.
Big words, I know! First; the “Butts” Liberals? I really don’t think Justin Trudeau has the vision that this plan needs. He’s a pawn; the electable scion that gets his buddy Butts in the door to set up his plan. It’s not a secret that the left wing, or in Canada specifically the LPC are the deciders of everything that’s cool and popular, so all they had to do was pick a leader that was cool and popular. Good at anything else is a bonus, and in that regard they lost, big time because all Justin Trudeau is good at is being cool and popular, and not one little thing else. But that’s all that’s needed.
Just look at what’s happening now: the media won’t even ask Trudeau why he’s still not living with his wife and children. The time and necessity for him to be social distancing from his family was over weeks ago, but there’s no sign of Sophie anywhere within a dozen miles of the “cabin” he’s been batching in for a few months now. This goes to the bias in the media, as there’s no way in hell any Conservative leader would have had anything like this happen without daily peppering of questions from every news source, if not hourly “updates” from the reporters camped out on the front lawn looking for a candid video shot through some curtains left open. But Justin has yet to be asked anything remotely resembling a hard question, from any journalist, ever. Some private individuals at “town halls” or “debates”, yes, but no reporter who has the ability to get within shouting distance of Trudeau has the balls to get serious. When it’s not only your job, but your entire networks’ continued ability to operate that’s on the line, what can the viewing public expect? Unbiased news? Not in this country. Not with this government.
Butts, through Trudeau, has created an environment that’s not only pro-Liberal, it’s pro-Liberal by law. Want federal money? For anything? First you have to prove you’re Canadian enough by declaring, one way or another, that you’re Liberal. No declaration or equivalent? No money. So not only do Catholic summer camps get shut out (and down, in some cases) but the only news sources in the whole country that don’t have their collective noses up Butts’ butt get absolutely no co-operation from any part of the national government.
This blatant political control of the vast majority of the country’s news sources has cemented a serious flaw into the very fabric of our national identity. It’s become politically incorrect, or “uncool” in terms my generation can understand, to be publicly identified as a conservative. Ask any right wing gay person. The story I’ve heard, in every case, was that getting outed as a conservative cost these unfortunate right wingers more, and some times a LOT more, than coming out as gay. The left wing is still selling itself as a defender of the poor, oppressed homosexuals but the reality is that there are very few oppressed homosexuals out there. Not that gay bashing doesn’t still happen, and teen-agers still have the potential to be royal pricks about such things, but real instances of homophobia are a small fraction of what they were even a generation ago. But any gay person (or racially diverse, or handicapped, or visibly belonging to any “minority”) who declares to be right wing is immediately and viciously attacked, delegitimized, and shunned by their community.
Not that long ago Conservatives were in power. Well, almost. Not conservatives, but at least Conservatives. Usually the best thing about Conservative politicians, to conservatives, is that they’re not Liberals. We don’t deify our leaders, and if there’s flaws in our leaders we tear them apart and look for new ones. The left turns their leaders into demi-gods; flawless shining examples of every virtue of humanity with no room for the slightest bit of less-than-absolute perfection in any way. Whomever the current leader of the Liberal party is, if they’re in power and he’s the Prime Minister, is the best Prime Minister Of All Time And Always Will Be (until the next one). To conservatives, we might, if pressed, admit that maybe Sir John A. MacDonald was pretty cool, you know, for actually founding the country and Mulroney did win the biggest election victory in history. But Harper? He should’ve gutted the CBC, and didn’t. Conservatives are much more likely to be critical of our leaders than left wingers. I think it’s because we have enough width and depth of vision to understand that if Harper had been as hard on the CBC as he should have been we might not be in our second term of Justin Trudeau right now. So we’ve got a situation now where to even admit publicly that one is a right winger is asking for vicious attacks from leftists, unionists, and anarchists from any and all angles.
This is what happens when the leftist concept of “intersectionality” is allowed to fester and evolve into “negative intersectionality”, or guilt by association. Take the Rebel for example. Faith Goldy used to work for them, as a holdover from when they were all Sun employees. Faith did an interview with a German magazine a few years ago, a magazine who’s management has been fairly open in their support for some very unsavory white supremacy groups. Real ones, not the made up ones like Proud Boys. Nazi-types. Never mind that her last name is Goldy (Hello? Yiddish much?) the fact that she was interviewed by someone who was a white supremacist is enough for the left, the Liberal Party of Canada, the Conservative Party of Canada, and all the major media sources in the country to immediately and completely condemn everything and anyone who’s ever been or ever will be associated in any way with Faith Goldy, amen. First problem: this ban is all-encompassing, and unfortunately includes the one media source that Canadian conservatives turn to more than any other, by a huge margin. Second problem: the LPC set the tune, and the CPC danced to it. Instead of showing some balls, Harper gave the moral superiority regarding this issue over freely to the Liberals, and followed suit in banning the Rebel because they used to employ a woman who was interviewed by a white supremacist rag. It’s not like she was quoted as talking about those “uppity nigras” or anything, but just the fact that she talked to them is enough. (For perspective, look into LBJ’s comments about the future of the Democratic Party in the south, and consider how popular his memory is among American blacks).
Third problem: that I’m still here talking about it in the present tense. This should have been recognized as a problem among Canadian conservatives and fixed, long ago. While many of us kind of liked that Scheer appeared to be a close copy of Harper, and who isn’t going to at least admire the one federal leader who sent 3 Liberal leaders packing, right(?), one aspect of our last good Prime Minister that Scheer appears to have inherited is fear of losing popularity among the Liberal chattering classes of the Laurentian elite, AKA the rich people of central Canada who decide what’s cool and popular, and what isn’t. Gone are the days of Conservative leaders who will actually stand up to the cool kids, and just go about the business of being conservative instead of trying to be Liberal-lite. Not that there aren’t people out there who could and would do that, if given the chance. But they won’t be given that chance. The only people who were trying to be the party leader who even hinted at that kind of strength have been shown the door, either quietly and privately or loudly and under protest. The new leader will be either McKay or O’Toole (WTF, is this Canada or Ireland?) and I honestly don’t think either one of them can beat Trudeau, because they’ve both bought totally into playing the game that the Liberals already own the board and the dice for. Just look at that last line: neither one of these seasoned parliamentarians is going to beat the most incompetent and stupid person to ever hold the position, because they are scared to appear to the voting public as being anything significantly different from said clown.
Consider the past year: there were no less than 4 highly placed female Conservatives who were touted as possible replacements for Scheer, and all of them have said no thanks. Why? Who the hell would want the job, considering the environment they’d be walking into? The media gives Trudeau a pass on absolutely everything, but spends truckloads of ink on whether Scheer might have signed some documents illegally as an insurance agent when he wasn’t technically supposed to be able to, in a small prairie town, decades ago, affecting nobody in any measurable way. SNC Lavalin, the Aga Khan, the Kokanee grope, elbowgate, China, Cuba, fighting with Trump, blackface; none of that matters to the CBC but that asshole Scheer might have misrepresented himself legally so a farmer friend of his doesn’t have to take another trip into town to get his insurance matters handled expeditiously 20 years ago, that prick! Why would Ambrose, or Batters, or Bergen, or Rempel submit themselves to years of that kind of abuse, knowing in advance it was going to be all-encompassing and relentless. The media, when unfettered by left leaning governments, has shown itself many times to be especially nasty to conservative politicians and their families. These good women saw what happened to Sarah Palin, and (perhaps wisely) took a pass.
So the Liberals, under the direction of G. Butts, has created an environment where conservatives can’t even be openly conservative without being ostracized. They control the media, so they control the message, and the voting public is eating it up (in central Canada; the only place where it matters). Seeing the video from a Rebel report showing a CTV Ottawa reporter actually running interference for a Liberal federal cabinet minister, at a campaign stop during a federal election, sent me into orbit! That’s about as blatant as a media bias can get, and it got NO traction outside of the Rebel! That’s the final problem, right there. The fact that Butts, and Trudeau, and the LPC, and the major media are doing this, openly and brazenly, and getting away with it.
I think that Butts and the rest of the brass at that party are starting to come to a realization: that as long as they’re in control of the system, they can stay in control. As long as they’re in the position of deciding that right wing concepts are not cool and acceptable to the mandarins of central Canada, they will be deciding what Liberals are going to be running the whole country. So as long as no Conservatives are willing to stick their heads up from the herd no Conservatives are going to be running it. Justin Trudeau is going to be Prime Minister of Canada until some Conservative tells him he can’t anymore. And Butts has arranged the situation so that no conservative Conservative is going to even try. In the future, whenever Justin becomes old Justin and wants to retire to Cuba, if no suitable Liberal is available to take his place maybe the LPC will allow some red Tory to take his place. The Canadian political spectrum has been successfully moved several spaces over to the left, and it will continue to move that direction until a conservative stops it. But that’s not what this column is about.
The point I am actually making here isn’t that Canada isn’t turning into a socialist paradise. I actually don’t think the Trudeau administration is pushing a hard-core socialist approach to much of anything in our day to day lives. He’s not really pushing anything, as far as a direction is concerned, except ever-increasing government control. Yes, I know that’s a socialist concept, but it’s not restricted to just that angle. Fascists also believe in that. Total government control is a definitive of one type of government more than any other: totalitarianism. Total government control over every aspect of the participants’ lives is something that happens under socialist, communist, and fascist governments. All of our media is either already under the government’s thumb, or serious attempts are being made to bring the remainders under control. All charities that depend in any way on federal government generosity have to publicly declare themselves as liberal, if not openly Liberal in order to continue to operate as they have in the past. Anything less than that; not only are they shut out of the help they’ve had but they’re likely to be named and shamed for not being “Canadian” enough. Gerald Butts decides what’s Canadian now, and he doesn’t tolerate non-Liberals.
So when the media has become the voice of one political party, and the only currency in our capital worth anything is party loyalty, I’m going to claim that Canada isn’t just flirting with totalitarianism; we’ve already taken a few good long strides towards the end of that particular diving board! Gerald Butts has not only changed the spectrum, he’s successfully fooled an entire generation of Canadian right wingers into thinking the threat is socialism when it’s actually totalitarianism, as well as feeling shame for thinking that Omar Khadr doesn’t deserve more than what his future was in Gitmo. Look at our situation today: Trudeau’s supposedly in a precarious position as the head of a minority government, but in reality he’s as free to do as he pleases as he was when he had a majority; nothing’s changed. What opposition is going to vote with the Conservatives, over anything? In order for the Liberals to fall, the Conservatives have to get the support of either the NDP or the Bloc. The odds of the Bloc ever voting with the Conservatives, to end the rule of their friends the Liberals, are extremely long but still a damn site closer than the chance of the NDP doing anything remotely resembling that. So the result of this last election is really the exact same as the result of the one before that, and nobody even needs to give lip service to Trudeau’s not having a majority government any more. He’s there until he decides he doesn’t want to be anymore, or until a Conservative grows a set and knocks him down.
It’s like a recipe for totalitarianism, and we’re all in this soup together but nobody realizes it.
To bluntly summarize: the Conservative Party of Canada is weak, and not showing any signs of recovering the strength needed to unseat the LPC. I’m scared that they won’t realize that until they get their asses handed to them again by the most incompetent Liberal, ever, and by then it might be too late. The LPC, under the mentorship of Butts, is going to move to make their rule permanent at some point. They’re likely planning for it right now, in fact. I don’t think that time will be our saviour in this instance, or any other in the future.
I say if we want to even have the chance to save our country and have the hope of one day returning to our previous greatness, we need to find a way to take control of the media away from the Liberals. We need to find a way to force the media to start being at least a little more impartial than they are today. Maybe we need a Conservative leader who talks to the media like Trump does; push them around a little instead of bowing our heads when they pass by. I don’t want the job myself, but I wouldn’t mind the opportunity to put one big greasy shot right in Ms. Barton’s eye, just one time! I say if we had a leader who did something like that once, it would change everything (because all the other media personalities would be looking for the next spar, so the coverage would drift away from what colour Justin’s tie is and towards what the Conservative leader’s going to say next). It’s worked quite well so far, as a strategy, for a certain orange man and his widely-expected re-election in a few months. Imagine Don Cherry giving speeches written by old Rex. Just sayin’…